The challenge
37 percent lower cost – More effective digital marketing
More bang for the buck. This is how Pågen lowered the costs of their digital marketing – and at the same time improved the advertising viewability and increased the number of impressions.
For Pågen, one of Sweden’s leading bakeries, it’s a constant challenge to both maintain awareness of the company and to launch new products. This, combined with the knowledge that the media landscape is constantly changing, made the company want to test new opportunities in adtech. They gave Delta Projects the chance to do a test, with the same target group and advertising material that they had previously used. The test campaign ran for four weeks – and exceeded all of Pågen’s expectations.
With the same budget, the campaign cost was reduced by 37 percent. In addition, the number of impressions increased by 50 percent and the viewability of the ads was improved by 20.8 percent.
Delta is connected to all media and Deltas optimizers work in real time. This means that they can make more accurate decisions when it comes to, for example, how prices will change in the coming hours.
However, technology is a fresh product and that is something Delta Projects is very aware of.
“We have a local tech support that responds both quickly and in Swedish and we sit next to the developers and can quickly adjust things as needed. What it takes competitors one year to build or adjust, we do in two months”, says Max Hamberg, CCO at Delta Projects.